Trending–A New Sermon Series

This may be one of the most difficult sermon series I have attempted to preach.

Not difficult because the text is obscure or difficult to interpret. And not difficult because the message is complex.

Actually, the text is simple and easy to understand. Children easily understand the message from this passage of Scripture. All of us will get the immediate idea.

This will be difficult not because it is complex but because it is simple and straight forward.

It’s not the interpretation that’s difficult; it’s the application.

We’re going to look at Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, and we are going to attempt to apply His message to our lives.

These are the items trending in America today. We will look at the issues that are on the daily pages, the blogs, and the news programs. Jesus talked about the value of life, marriage and relationships, anger, deceit, worry, and contempt. We will too. And we’ll try to look at our own situation and see how God’s Word can help us with our own needs in all of these areas.

Please join me next weekend as we begin “Trending: Tough Questions–Godly Answers” from Matthew 5-7.

Martha and I have enjoyed our holidays and our time to be away. Now, we look forward to working and serving with you as we look at God’s Word and begin this new year.

If you would like to receive my free daily look at life and Scripture, please subscribe at the top of the page.

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10 Responses

  1. Incredible! As I set my Gials for 2014, I determined to study the beatitudes through January and the sermon on the Mount thriygh March and April. I may reverse that now. But Jesus’s message to his immediate disciples and my application if it came first in my readings last week so I guess I’m ready. Out of town tomorrow but will catch it on line. Awesome.

  2. I seem to recall a you blog where you quoted J. F. K. “We do this not because it is easy, but because it is hard.” That quote in itself is a call to be challenged, but not a reason. I pray you serve the reason we are to be One in Him, working in His, as One.


  3. Do you people have a faeboock fan page? I searched for one on faeboock or twitter but could not discover one, I’d really like to become a fan!Welcome to my site .

  4. After Tom came home and went through all he had with his parents and such, and Im sure he told you…I would have rejected her taking anything she wanted (his mom) and Rejected any questions. And if I were to pay for his burial it would be close to where I was located. You are right, Your mistake was letting them walk all over you.

  5. ======== ALERT! =========Just passed through Singapore Airport and noticed buro de change counter was offering gold sales of small gram pamp bars + 1/2 and 1oz coins. I asked what coins they had, assuming it was Panders and they came back saying Koala’s and Maple’s.======== ALERT! =========

  6. "BTW, speaking of displaying ignorance; I see where the Smithsonian's new section for us Negroes will be displaying some recently donated klan robes. Again, I am fine with that. The klan is as A-merry-can as apple pie, and every A-merry-can should be able to see and read about their long "rich" history."I hope they won't show the klan robes in a bad light. I mean, the KKK wasn't that bad. Besides, they don't hang us anymore. I bet if really pressed, they would let some Blacks into their organization.

  7. Q: “What if …schools stopped brainwashing kids in PC rhetoric and actually taught them to read and write?”A: We would have fewer people in jails and prisons and more people contributing to society.

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