The One Practice To Help Your Children

You can help your children with their faith. What you do today will help them now and will help them in the future. In fact, studies show that most children who are raised in a home where the Christian faith is taken seriously–though imperfectly–tend to raise their own families as people of faith. What we do makes a difference.

Yesterday, I wrote with this question in mind: “Do You Want Your Children to Follow You In Faith?”

As a preface, let me give you one belief you won’t find in the Bible. The Bible says nothing about giving your children the choice to make their own decision. In fact, it speaks the opposite. We are taught to teach our children and show them the way of faith as we do every other aspect of life.

In addition to yesterday’s blog, here is the other practice to help your children.

Talk along the way

The Scripture is plain and to the point. “And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise ” (Deuteronomy 6:6-7).

Notice the emphasis: diligently teach your children to love the Lord with all their heart and with all their soul and with all their might (Deuteronomy 6:5).

Take advantage of every opportunity to teach your children. Make it part of who you are. Speak of God and His ways as the normal course of life. Do it at home and as you travel. Do it early and late.

Of course, this talk can’t be contrived. It needs to be natural. You should talk of what God is showing you and how God has blessed your life.

Make sure you talk about your struggles. Children need the real picture of God (found in Scripture) and a realistic view of life.

Be real in your discussions. Let them know you have questions and difficulties. You aren’t perfect and they won’t be either.

I believe talking with your children about the normal events of life is God’s plan for raising Godly children.

Give it your best and you will be greatly blessed.

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4 Responses

  1. For one to have any hope of claiming the intentions of Proverb 22:6 in Proverbs, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it,” the parent must follow the prescription you offer. It is a matter of Life for the child and society, for ourselves and our children’s children. We must realize context to Know the meaning, to claim the Promise, to realize the Power of His Word.

    May it be clear from your warnings, a child raised in hypocrisy will grow to also be a hypocrite. Name is Character, as I understand it. When we take His Name, Pray in His Name: we seek to enter more fully into His Character in our Acts. With this thought, I read Proverbs 22:1 with the lesson of Jesus in mind, “there is no Good apart from God.” “A GOOD name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold.”

    I have often asked myself prioritizing what is important in the rearing of my children, “What profit the man who gains the whole world yet looses his Daughter or Son?” My Daughter was and is my first Child, God’s path into my heart.

    Thank you.

  2. Since my daughter and granddaughter have moved to our city, I’ve been able to spend a good bit of time with her. It’s been amazing how many opportunities for spiritual nurturing pop up in everyday conversation. I think a large part of that results from having God’s word hidden in my heart, so that He can bring it to mind at the appropriate time. Thanks for a well-written blog. Oh, if your church provides WMU’s Missions Mosaic magazine for your women, I hope you and Martha will journey through the month of February with me in the Prayer Patterns section I wrote:)

    1. Thanks. We will look for your writing. Thank you also for reinforcing what God teaches. We have wonderful opportunities to praise and exalt our great God.

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