The Sad State of World Leadership

Look anywhere in the world and it’s difficult to find an effective world leader. In a time that should be filled with optimism for the future, pessimism abounds. From the middle east to Afghanistan to the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, leadership looks weak and ineffective.

Last week’s story out of France was particularly disturbing for me.

Francois Hollande dumped his live-in mate for an affair with a forty-one year old actress–at least that’s the story coming out of Paris.

As the story unfolded last week, Mr. Hollande chided the French press for making this a big deal. He said that private affairs should be kept private. No one seemed to be upset that the president of France lived with his girl friend. And many don’t think it’s a big deal that the president has now moved on to another woman.

Two areas made this painful for me.

First, without character, it’s difficult to have moral authority. The idea that Mr. Hollande’s behavior doesn’t affect his leadership is ludicrous. How can he encourage people not to cheat on taxes if he cheats–not on a wife but on a live-in companion? How can he call on the people of France to do “the right thing” if he doesn’t do the right thing?

Somewhere public officials have to see what they are doing to society.

Second, we look to leadership to show us the way. What is he teaching the children of France or the children of the world? Those who lead have been given great responsibility. May they use it greatly.

Our world is begging for great leaders. We look in vain in most of the political class for people of character.

What can we do?

It does no good to live in despair. We must make the most of everyday to teach our children and to be a positive example to those around us. We all lead someone. As the world gets worse, we can choose and determine to be found faithful.

If others move farther from God, let us determine to know HIm better and follow Him faithfully.

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8 Responses

  1. “If I take care of my character, my reputation will take care of itself.” (D. L. Moody)
    “No more fatal error can be cherished than that any character can be complete without the religious element. The essential factors in character building are religion, morality, and knowledge.” (J. L. Pickard)

  2. Interesting that I read the following on Twitter just after reading your blog: “With 21% of it’s population experiencing depression, France is the most depressed country in the world.” Cause/Effect much?

  3. Ever hear of Charades and Conspiracy? Take a look at Carroll Quigley’s Tragedy and Hope (London & NY: Macmillan House, 1965 (?))(There was a copy on line and I downloaded it. Cf. also his The Anglo American Establishment (dated around 1980). Quigley was Mr. Clinton’s mentor at Georgetown and recommended him for the Rhodes and Fulbright Scholarships to go to Oxford. As FDR declared, “Nothing politically happens by accident.” And Wilson (as in Woodrow), “There is a power behind the scenes, and men dare not talk about it above a whisper.”(today they would not even do that.

    “… many don’t think it’s a big deal …”
    “Those who lead have been given great responsibility.”
    “We all lead someone.”

    It’s never a big deal till “it” rears its’ ugliness, destructiveness and “it” always does. “It” causes generational pain and depravity.

    May we the church sincerely turn and pray … 2 Chronicles 7:14

  5. One of the best books that I have ever read (3 times) is “the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership”. Wow. Wish it could be required reading for those in position of great leadership requirements.

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