What Will Church Be Like In 2044?

I spent several days this week joining with other pastors of similar size churches across the Southern Baptist convention. As usual with these kinds of gatherings, we networked, fellowshipped, and discussed common problems. While most of the problems are exactly the kind that you could think of, there were several that you might be surprised that we considered.

Some of those that were predictable have to do with matters such as budgets, buildings, personnel, evangelism, and discipleship. The area that was most interesting to me has to do with what many of you have asked me from time to time. The question is this: what will the church look like in 25 to 30 years?

You might be surprised to know that this is a question that is of intense interest for senior pastors of larger churches. Remember, almost none of these pastors will be actively serving as a pastor of a church in 30 years. Yet, they want to know as you do what the Church will look like in 30 years.

While I really care about this question, I feel it is really the wrong question.

The right question is this: What should the church look like today? This is the right question because you and I can’t do much about the church in the future, but we have very much to do with the church of the present. The question is not what others will do or not do in the future. The question is what you and I will do about the church today. While I won’t be responsible for the church of tomorrow, I am very much responsible for the church of today. What you and I do today–our decisions and attitudes–will affect the future.
The time will come when we will stand before our Lord to give account of our care for His church.

We will be responsible for faithfulness in missions, evangelism, and discipleship. We will be responsible for our giving and worship and for the unity and harmony of the church.

May we be found faithful as we care for the church of today.

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2 Responses

  1. Hi Dr. Bailey, First I look forward to hearing from you and until this post I always agree with the subjects and comments which lift me up, your opinion I hold in the highest regard. I am however confused about this one as I feel I need to live for Christ and everything I do and say today will be what I am judged on my judgement day. As you posted recently about our children where it is what we do and not what we say that is the most important behavior not only for us but for our family and friends and people who know and are around us daily. What I am trying to say is I live for today but I also live for tomorrow and believe the things I say and do today will impact the future of our family and our society which is the future of our church. You outweigh me in your knowledge of God, his word and how to live a Godly life. I will continue to read and pray for you. I will continue to pray for your family and this church family. I believe you are blessed by God and touch so many. Please continue to bless me and my family with your kindness and your words.

    1. I think we are in agreement about the subject. I meant to convey the truth that the church of tomorrow (our children and grandchildren’s church) will be what we make of the church today. BTW, one of the participants in our group said the church of tomorrow will be like the church of the New Testament. That’s what we want to happen.

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