Four Dangerous Places at Church

My life became a little safer in the last year. During these last few months our local government reconfigured a dangerous intersection.

I never saw any statistics about the number of traffic accidents at that intersection, but anyone who traveled that intersection knew it was a dangerous place. One sheriff’s deputy told me that the intersection forced you to make too many decisions too quickly.

Over the years I have noticed four intersections that are dangerous for your continued service to God through His church. These are times when people are vulnerable to dropping out of church and ignoring the work of the Kingdom of God. I offer them to you today so that you will be careful as you travel through these areas.

1. When you leave home for college or to begin work for the first time. This is number one on the list. For whatever reason (it seems everyone has an idea why so many people drop out in the college and young adult years) this is a dangerous time for you and the church. Churches in college towns must do a better job of connecting with students.

2. When the last child leaves home and you have an “empty nest.” You certainly wouldn’t think this stage would be dangerous, but in my view of the church it happens quite often. Once the need to influence children is removed, many people simply fall by the way side.

Also, when the children are no longer in the home, parents are free to travel on the weekends. Most church members would be astonished to see their attendance percentage. Be careful about your travel.

3. When you move to a new location. Yesterday’s blog post dealt with this situation. I have four suggestions to help you connect with a church. In order to get connected, you must be tenacious–don’t throw in the towel. You can make this work.

4. When you let the cares of the world interfere with your worship of God and fellowship with the family of God. Jesus described how the cares of the world, the pride of life, and the love of money keeps people from knowing God. These same issues take us away from the church.

Make sure you deal with these dangerous intersections and that you don’t fall prey to their dangers.

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