10 Commandments for Social Media

Almost daily we hear of problems related to the usage of social media. We post inappropriate, personal, or hurtful material. And that doesn’t mention those things which simply aren’t true.

Here are 10 Commandments for use of social media (ok, these are really my suggestions).

1. Don’t post anything you aren’t willing to be seen by everyone for all time. Many employers check out a person’s social media before hiring. Even college sororities give social media a look. You will be critiqued for what you post.

2. Use your posts to lift up rather than to tear down.

3. Speak well of your family. When you and your spouse are having difficulty, no one else should know about your problems. This is simple respect. It’s like waiting to get out of the public eye before you punish your children.

4. Don’t believe everything you see on social media. Have healthy skepticism.

5. Treat others as you want to be treated.

6. If you have doubts, don’t post.

7. Make personal comments face to face. Negative comments on social media display a cowardice by the person posting.  Don’t hide behind social media. If you aren’t willing to let people know who you are, you shouldn’t post.

8. Don’t use profane, coarse, or rude language.

9. Write and post only the truth. Check out the veracity of material before you pass it along.

10. Get a life beyond social media. This is not life; it’s only a small segment of what makes us human.

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10 Responses

  1. 10 good words. Was it Ronald Reagan who said, “You never have to explain what you didn’t say.”? If it wasn’t him, it sounds like something he would say! But good advice from whomever. Thanks.

  2. This reminds me of what Mother, always said, “Don’t say anything if you can not say something good.”
    Thanks, for your blog. Look forward to it every day and Marthas, on Wed.

  3. If you pray about your worries and don’t let God handle them your still putting yourself in charge, so let go of them and get on with life as He wants us too. Look for open doors don’t keep running into closed doors or walls. Enjoy your thoughtful advise.

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