Grieving Over World Vision

One of our  joys each Christmas is giving a package to each of our grandchildren. It’s neither toys nor clothes; it’s better than either. We give a package to each grandchild telling of a goat, or chickens, or some other gift given to a child and family in the name of the grandchild to help alleviate proverty.

Christmas simply seems like the right time to give that kind of gift. We also like the idea of giving chickens which can supply eggs and goats which can supply milk. It’s the proverbial “teaching a man to fish.”

We were startled and hurt Tuesday to hear that World Vision would change its policy from a stance of biblical authority to one of political accommodation.

Christianity Today reported that “World Vision’s American branch will no longer require its more than 1100 employees to restrict their sexual activity to marriage between one man and one woman.” Richard Stearns, World Vision president, stated: “The new policy will not exclude someone from employment if they are in a legal same-sex marriage.”

World Vision is one of the top ten largest charities. It is a billion dollar organization which has served over 100 million people.

There is a lot more news about this issue, and I encourage you to Google “World Vision.” I’m sure that the internet has blown up over the story. You’ll see plenty of people on both sides of the issue.

I am thankful that late yesterday the board of World Vision has reversed its decision. They said they made a “mistake.” We should affirm them in this and thank God that they recognized their mistake.

Here’s what I see about this story which grieves me.

First, it is the ease with which Christians turn so quickly from the teachings of Christ and the doctrine given to us.  If this is so important a change, why did the Holy Spirit wait until now to show this? Did Christians consider this even 40 years ago? Even 20 years ago?

Second, it is the loss of biblcal authority. We really can’t have a little bit of the Bible. Nowhere in Scripture is this encouraged, condoned, or accepted. It is universally seen as reflective of rebellion against God’s way. Tony Perkins reminds us: “If we’re going to follow Christ, we need to follow Him in every aspect–including the biblical design for the family.”

Third, this will mean less concern for the poor, not more. If we do not mourn over impurity will we really mourn over other areas, such as poverty? Where rebellion is rife, the church is weak.

Finally, this hurts children who are dependent on adults in general and spiritual leaders in particular to point the way. Trevin Wax described this loss and ended with these words: “Children are the ones who suffer and die when ‘sexual freedom’ means the right of a mother to take the life of her unborn child. Sex is our god. Children are our sacrifice.”

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7 Responses

  1. Thanks so much for posting this. I was not aware of World Vision’s decision to do this and am a supporter of their ministry. I have contacted them and let them know I am grieved about their decision to enter the political arena and that I will be looking for another organization to donate at Christmas if they continue down this road. Thanks again.

  2. I was not aware of this either. What a tragedy for these kids and families. Many supporters cancelling their sponsorships over this development. These children, families and communities are the real losers. We help two children and their families and each have become an important member of our family. I know God would not want me to cancel my support for them over this decision, but I also know that He would not want me to expand any future support with World Vision if this decision were not reversed. I pray that the damage from this mistake will be minimal.

  3. I ask the question, “What prompted the decision in the first place to support such un-biblical practices?” The reversal was quick and the answer clear. I heard one commentator put it this way, ” The unity of Christ and His church shined through in the reversal decision.”

  4. I’ve been heartbroken, seriously heartbroken about it since Tuesday. I have supported a little girl through them since before josh and I were married and josh also began supporting a little boy after we were married. We have given chickens ,etc, as well. I’m so thankful they have completely made a 180. I wish this wasn’t an issue and an issue that is so devisive even among Christians including some of my very closest Christian friends. I think THAT is what breaks my heart so much.

  5. Oops, sorry for the aborted message above, since they have retracted I hope that message gets out and people continue to support the many children helped by this organization. So thankful to know the end of the story and the hope it gives.

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