Your Most Important Appointment

All of us are busy people. We have too many places to be and too many things to do.

One of the most frequent comments I hear from retired men goes something like this: “As busy as I am everyday, I don’t know when I had time to work.”

As busy as you are, you have an appointment today that you must keep. It’s the most important of the day.

That appointment is a time to spend with God.

I want to encourage you to make a daily appointment with God and keep your appointment.

Why does your appointment with God matter? What is it about spending time in prayer and with God’s Word that makes such a difference?

First, the Bible is true to life. The Bible contains real life situations. When I read the Bible, I see the same kind of struggles that I face–the struggle to be honest, kind, or obedient to God. I see my temptations and weaknesses. Even if the character of the story fails–like King Saul for example–his struggle helps me understand my own decision making.

Second, the Bible is practical. Often, you hear people mention that the Bible is filled with myths or fables. I don’t find that at all. I find a practical book that helps me with the normal experiences of life. Family, business, and my personal integrity are all addressed as I look to God through His Word,

Third, the Bible reveals God. Before you read the Bible, I encourage you to spend a few seconds in prayer. My prayer consists of two parts. First, thanking God for His Word, and second, asking God to reveal Himself through Scripture.

God gave us the Bible to reveal Himself to us. As we ask Him to make Himself known, we are praying according to His will. He has promised to answer those prayers which are prayed in His name and according to His will.

Finally, reading the Bible each day prepares me for life. Who knows what I am going to experience today? Maybe the day will be very uneventful or possibly I will face the biggest challenges of life. Either way, keeping my appointment with God prepares me for life.

Ravi Zecharias  put it this way: “The biggest battle you will face is your daily appointment with God; keep it, or every other battle will become bigger.”

If you would like to receive a daily devotional like this in your inbox each morning, sign up at the top of the page. It’s easy to do and completely free. Thanks for reading. May God bless you.




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4 Responses

  1. So true! My first appointment each day is with God. I have my first cup of coffee with Him and then read in the Bible. It does make a difference in how I feel and how I face the day. It is comforting to know that whatever I face, He will be there with me.

  2. Every day with god and his word is wonderful. I pray God, “Give wisdom to understand and grow closer to becoming more Christ like and worthy to be called your child” Having retired gives me more time to study
    God’s word, but I do wonder how I ever found the time to go to work. Thank you for help each day.

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