Getting Us On the Same Page

Earlier in the week one of our pastors mentioned how different people in the congregation had asked: “How’s our building campaign going?” He said: “I want to make sure I am answering correctly and that we are on the same page.”

It’s important to have information. I’ve always said it this way: “Churches do well when they have information and poorly when they don’t.” For that reason, I’ll try to keep you up to date on where we are with our new building.

1. In March the church met and adjusted our future building. Instead of planning two building programs and two capital campaigns, the church affirmed the Strategy Planning Team’s recommendation to put the two together. By doing so, the church will have to find additional funds short term in order to save a considerable amount long term.

This means we are planning to build our new worship center as part of this campaign.

2. We will need to “find” additional funds to make this happen. Our teams are working to make this happen.

3. Our architects are hard at work designing the building. The Strategy Planning Team is meeting regularly to keep everything moving. We are pleased with the progress we are seeing.

4. We anticipate having preliminary proposals to bring before the church this fall. (Please know that all the dates I will give are approximations. This is the time frame we believe is feasible. As we gain more information, we will have a better timeline.)

5. Sometime in early 2015, we will meet to vote on the final plan and its cost.

6. We anticipate construction beginning in the first half of 2015 and the construction taking two or more years. The preschool/Children’s building should be completed and occupied before the remainder of the building comes on line, probably in late 2017 or 2018.

Very soon, we will have additional information which will allow us to update these projections.

Please pray for God’s guidance and direction for everything we do.


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