The Power of Routine

Recently, I have discovered the power of routine.

As frequent readers know, I am very much interested in learning to get things done and to do so in an efficient manner.

Routine helps me accomplish more and also helps me to do so without as much stress in my life.

These are two things I do to help me be effective in ministry.

First, I set up certain days and certain times to accomplish specific tasks. This kind of schedule allows me not to overbook and get overwhelmed. I book my preparation into my calendar.

Having set times for preparation also helps me get into a weekly rhythm for study alone and ministry with people.

One reason this works  is because it follows God’s plan for our lives–a weekly plan.

Second, I use a “today” list to keep me on schedule. A “today” list is what I have to do today (this is where routine comes in). A “to do” list can be quite overwhelming because it seems never ending. Living in the present (what I have to do today) frees me from drowning in all I have to do.

Through the years I have noticed that too many things to do makes people do nothing. They are overwhelmed and frustrated.

I noticed this first when I supervised Ph. D. students at New Orleans Seminary. All of these students are very bright with amazing abilities. Yet, many of them could never get a dissertation written. It wasn’t because they didn’t have the ability. It was because they could never get over the enormity of the task.

As I wrote my own dissertation years ago, I broke the task down into days. My goal was simply to write three pages a day, five days a week. By making a “today” list, I divided the job up into manageable segments.

My “today” list helps me to accomplish my ministry today. At the end of the day, I often go home to rest and relax knowing that I’ve accomplished everything I was supposed to do for the day.

It follows what Jesus said: “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring it’s own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today” (Matthew 6:34). For me, tomorrow will have plenty of preparation and writing. The good news is I don’t have to do tomorrow’s work today. I can do it tomorrow.

What system do you use to accomplish your tasks?

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