Can We Pray in Public?

For years, advocates of banning prayer in public places such as schools and city councils have been chipping away at the first amendment right of the free exercise of religion.

Fortunately, the Supreme Court this week ruled that Christian prayers–even in Jesus name–could be prayed in public meetings. While the decision was a 5-4 ruling, it is still a victory for the freedom to pray.

This particular court case came from Greece, NY. For years the city of Greece has begun its meetings with prayer–and not just Christian prayer, inviting a Jewish man, a Wiccan priestess, and a local Baha’i chairman to join in the tradition.

I was particularly struck by the opinion of Justice Anthony Kennedy who wrote for the majority. He emphasized the tradition of public prayer exists to unite rather than divide.

“The decision concluded that legislative prayer, while religious in nature, has long been understood as compatible with the  Establishment Clause. As practiced by Congress since the framing of the Constitution, legislative prayer lends gravity to public business, reminds lawmakers to transcend petty differences in pursuit of a higher purpose, and expresses a common aspiration to a just and peaceful society.

Don’t we need our leaders to pray? With the state of the country, we need much more prayer not less.

I particularly appreciated Justice Kennedy’s emphasis on prayer lending seriousness to the business of governing.

We who willingly call on God for guidance need to see that prayer lends seriousness to our lives and reminds us that God truly is in control. We need to spend more time in prayer. We must pray for leaders and all those in authority.

We need to be serious in repenting of our sin–both individually and as a people, and we need to fall before God and plead for His mercy.

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2 Responses

  1. Thanks, for posting this ruling. That is answer to prayer. Now, if we can pray our nation to always be one nation
    under God.

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