
How do you handle the awkward situations of life? How do you overcome those wrong words and attitudes so that you do not break relationship with others? How do you say “I’m sorry” and how do you say “I forgive you?”

As a follower of Christ, you have a responsibility to all other believers.

We certainly have a responsibility to handle these awkward and hurtful situations “because we belong to one another” (Ephesians 4:25).

None of this is easy. What can we do to deal with these awkward times?

1. Take courage. Why do we not handle these kinds of situations? Could our lack of courage be the problem?

Take a deep breath, and take courage.

2. Pray. Before you call or meet the person you need to meet, ask God to go before you. Remember that whatever you ask in His name He will give to you. Your making right relationship with other believers is certainly according to His desire. You can be sure God will give what you ask.

Ask Him to prepare your heart and the heart of the other person.

3. Speak with kindness and compassion. Make sure you aren’t defensive. Speak humbly.

4. Make sure your words are fitly spoken. What should you say?

Try these approaches. “I’m sorry, I could have handled that better.” Or, “I feel I have hurt you, and I don’t want to hurt you.” Or, “I feel there’s something between us, and I don’t want anything to come between our friendship.” Or, “I’ve called to apologize.”

If you are the one receiving the call be quick to say, “thank you so much for calling” or, “I thought about calling you” or, “I accept your apology, let’s start over and act as if this never happened.”

5. Give it your best shot. In the end, you can’t make the other person do anything, but you can do what you should do for Christian unity and in order to be obedient to God.

“Do your part to live in peace with everyone, as much as possible” (Romans 12:18).

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4 Responses

  1. Once we offer a sincere apology the ball is placed in the offended’s court. I have found that even the strongest Christian souls can take offense at the smallest misspeak. Unforgiveness kills us from the inside out.

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