The Importance of Small Things

“Take care of the little things and the large things will take care of themselves.”

Those were the words of Admiral William McRaven, commander of a US Navy special forces unit, known to most of us as the Navy Seals.

Recently, I read an article in the Wall Street Journal about Admiral McRaven’s commencement address at the University of Texas.

He spoke of his training as a Navy Seal and how his training has helped him through life. He attempted to help those at the commencement see how what he had learned could be beneficial to their lives as well.

He had nine areas where what they teach the Seals could help common, ordinary people through life.

All of the areas were fascinating and very well done, but the one that interested me the most was his first on the list.

Admiral McRaven said that most of his training came from Vietnam veterans, men who tried everything in their power to wash out those who were in training.

He described how one of the first things he was taught to do was to make his bed. Each morning the first order of the day was to make his bed and to do so in the prescribed manner. Each corner had to be completely tight, the pillow had to be placed exactly in the right place next to the headboard, and the blanket had to be placed properly at the foot of the bed.

McRaven described how he and other trainees felt about something that seemed rather silly. They were, after all, training to be warriors–not people who made beds.

As he has gone through life, Admiral McRaven has learned that making his bed is one of the most important things he does every day.

This is what making his bed has taught him:

First, when you make your bed you’ve already accomplished one task for the day. He learned if you accomplish the first task, all the other tasks for that day will get easier.

Second, training to be a Navy Seal can be a miserable and near brutal experience. I smiled when I read his words about how helpful making a bed could be. At the end of a terrible day, finding a bed made – one that you made yourself – is extremely encouraging.

Finally, Admiral McRaven concluded with these words: “Take care of the little things and the large things will take care of themselves.”

Long before Admiral McRaven, Jesus said: “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones” (Luke 16:10).




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