Today at First Baptist Church

Today we are thrilled to have Keith Manuel as our preacher at First Baptist Church.

Keith works with the Louisiana Baptist Convention, a statewide network of over 1600 Louisiana Baptist churches connected through mission to help every person in Louisiana find hope through Jesus Christ. Keith’s specific responsibility is to serve with the evangelism team of the Louisiana Baptist Convention as it strengthens and encourages our efforts to reach our state for Christ.

How are we doing in the area of evangelism?

While we look at numbers, we remember that people–not numbers–count. No matter how many people belong to FBC or who are baptized at our church, as long as there is one person without Christ we cannot be satisfied. Another way to look at it is to think of our own families. Would we be pleased if our lost family members die without Christ?

Years ago I made a commitment to God to “not let anyone fall through the cracks.” We want to make sure all hear the Good News of Christ.

This year, we have so far received 96 people by baptism. By God’s grace and leading we will come close to the number we baptized last year of 135.

Louisiana Baptists have seen a direct correlation between baptism numbers and Bible Study attendance. Over the state, churches baptize a number equal to about 10% of the average Bible Study attendance. We have seen the same  pattern at our church. Last year we averaged about  1350 in Bible Study classes and baptized 135 people.

May I give you two items of good news about our baptisms?

First, the growth of our church is about 50% baptism growth. We like new people who move to our community, but we also are thankful to touch people who are without Christ in our community.

Second, we baptize an unusual number of adults and men. These are not the norms in churches.

We have much for which to be thankful, and we have much to do. Let us pray the Lord of the harvest that He would send laborers (you and me) into His harvest.

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