For Me to live Is Money?

The apostle Paul had a singular focus.

Nowhere is that more evident than his letter to the Philippians. Paul said: “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21).

Once you begin examining what Paul had to say his statement is startling.

You begin to realize that this is a singular statement. No other statement like this exists. Nor can any statement be made besides the one that is made.

Warren Wiersbe reflected on this passage as a valuable test of our lives. “For to me to live is _____ and to die is ______.” He suggests that you fill in the blanks for yourself. He also gives several examples that we might use.

“For me to live is money and to die is to leave it all behind.” “For me to live is fame and to die is to be forgotten.” “For me to live is power and to die is to lose it all.”

Wiersbe states: “No, we must echo Paul’s convictions if we’re going to have joy in spite of circumstances, and if we are going to share in the furtherance of the gospel.”

“For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21).

Paul used unique descriptions to tell about his future. As Paul wrote his letter to the Philippians, he suffered in a Roman jail. While it seems that he had had a preliminary hearing, he did not know how his trial would end. It could end in being freed which would allow him to continue his ministry on earth, or he could be executed.

Paul admitted that he was hard-pressed between the two. His first desire would be to depart and to be with Christ. The word for “depart” describes someone breaking camp. The end-of-life is simply a “moving on”.

On another occasion Paul described death as something as easy and comforting as going to sleep. Of course, Paul wasn’t talking about death as sleep. That errror has been made many times.

Paul meant that the passage from this life is as easy as taking down your tent and getting ready to pitch it at another location or as easy and as comforting as drifting off into a much desired sleep.

In the end Paul knew he would remain and continue in his ministry to make Christ known. Let us so live that whether we live or die we do all for Christ. When death comes, let it be seen for the gain that it really is.

“Even so, come Lord Jesus.”

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