It’s that Day Again

It’s time to change your clock by “falling back” one hour when you go to bed Saturday night. (The official time change is Sunday morning at 2:00 AM, but most of us have no desire to be awake to observe this occasion).

I love the idea of having an extra hour. After all, how wonderful is it to get ready for bed Saturday night and then turn the clock back an hour? The problem with me is that I never get an extra hour of sleep. Instead of sleeping, I think of all the things I can do with that hour.

I’ve fought sleep since I was a little kid. I’ll do almost anything to keep from having to sleep. So, know that come Saturday night, I’m enjoying an extra hour to read or watch football or something along those lines.

While I like the extra hour Saturday, I really do not like getting home after dark every day. But, we can’t have everything.

Pastors may be the only people who think this way: why time change on a Sunday?

That’s the way it’s always been done. I’m sure the politicians think it’s the least amount of disruption. It makes much more sense to me to make the change at 5:00 on Friday afternoon or 2:00 AM Saturday morning, allowing our bodies to adjust before Monday morning.

Can I encourage you to not let this disrupt your worship this weekend?

What does our country really need? An extra hour of sleep? A lazy Sunday?

Or, do we need to meet and worship the God who created us and blessed us as a nation? Don’t we need to be praying for America and the coming election? Don’t we need to ask God for His mercy and blessing?

What really matters in a society and what makes a nation great is our righteousness before God. “Righteousness exalts a nation” (Proverbs 14:34), and it blesses individuals.

I encourage you to find a place of worship this weekend and put your heart and soul into coming into the presence of God.

It’ll be way better than an extra hour’s sleep.

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6 Responses

  1. Thanks to you and Martha, you start my day with a message to remember, God is with us to guide us, and have a little laughter to lighten our stress along the way.

  2. Tough duty for the leaders of wosrihp. If wosrihp meets that criteria they will come. Spiritual needs and expectations are so varied that most denominations fill only a small portion.

  3. Thanks, David,I haven’t checked the site on Windows machines, especially those using 800×600 screens. I can imagine it must be a mess. I’ve been so busy getting content done that I haven’t had time to do those normal things that ought to be part of the process. Bear with me and I’ll try to address this issue in the next month or so.

  4. I have never been to a normal (heeee) concert as intense-sounding as that. I did see a concert once before I left the Philippines, where I could not keep myself from falling face down in worship. I was shaking so hard because the music apart from the lyrics had “words” that I could not explain. Wow to Bow.. P.S. I think Marilyn Manson is one of the most sensible, insightful, intelligent artists I’ve ever known.

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