Got Anxiety? I’ve Got Help

Worry and anxiety seem to be fairly common.

Sometimes I find myself awake in the middle of the night worrying about something that may or may not have any serious significance.

Here’s the good news.

God has plenty to say about worry and anxiety. Both Jesus and Paul addressed it head on.

What can we do about our worry and anxiety?

First, trust God. Jesus told us how deeply God cares for us. He used examples to make that clear. God cares for the birds of the air and the flowers of the field. Don’t you think He cares so much more for you? If God has a plan in place for birds and flowers, He truly has a plan for you (Matthew 6:25-34).

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34).

Second, pray about everything. If you find yourself worrying about something, take the time to pray about it. Submit your need to God and ask Him to show you what to do or how to resolve the issue. You can be anxious about nothing by praying about everything (Philippians 4:6-7).

Don’t buy the “it’s too little for God” mentality. Everything–even your greatest worry–is small to God. Take it to Him in prayer.

Third, go to the ant. Proverbs tells us to be industrious and to plan (Proverbs 6:6-11). God has put that within animals and even insects. He certainly wants us to do the same.

Martha and I call it a “Nag List,” it’s those things that keep coming to your mind and nagging you. If you are worrying about something that can be addressed, do something about it immediately. Don’t sit on it. Bad news doesn’t get better with age. The sooner you address it the sooner you can live at peace.

If you are worrying about something that can’t be addressed, then quit worrying. Pray and submit it to God. Tell God you trust Him. Refuse to let anxiety take control of your life.

This is the prescription: pray, trust, depend. Pray about whatever is bothering you, tell God you trust Him with this issue you can’t do anything about, and leave it with Him. “And the peace of God,which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7).

Finally, rest knowing you have a loving heavenly Father who cares about all your needs.

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5 Responses

  1. Thanks Waylon. Anxiety has become the most common mental health disorder in developed countries. I invite your followers who wish to explore the issue further to visit my blogsite [see above at “website”] and scroll down to “Anxiety: You Can Handle It” I’m not sure this will work but here’s the link:;postID=2366256871392850242;onPublishedMenu=posts;onClosedMenu=posts;postNum=6;src=link

  2. In addition to the supremely important points in your post, here are some practical techniques that can help also:

    1. Learn to Relax. Throughout the day, take ‘minibreaks.” Sit-down and get comfortable, slowly take a deep breath in, hold it, and then exhale very slowly. At the same time, let your shoulder muscles droop, smile, and say something positive like, “I am r-e-l-a-x-e-d.” “Jesus is my Lord. All is well.” Be sure to get sufficient rest at night.

    2. Practice Acceptance. Many people get distressed over things they won’t let themselves accept. Often these things that can’t be changed, like someone else’s feelings or beliefs. If something unjust bothers you, that is different. If you act in a responsible way, the chances are you will manage stress effectively. Learn and live the “Serenity Prayer”.

    3. Talk Rationally to Yourself. Ask yourself what real impact the stressful situation will have on you in a day or a week and see if you can let the negative thoughts go. Think through whether the situation is your problem or the other’s. If it is yours, approach it calmly and firmly; if it is the other’s, there is not much you can do about it. Rather than condemn yourself with hindsight thinking like, “I should have…,” think about what you can learn from the error and plan for the future. Watch out for perfectionism – set realistic and attainable goals. Remember, everyone makes errors. Be careful of procrastination – breaking tasks into smaller units will help and prioritizing will help get things done.

    4. Get Organized. Develop a realistic schedule of daily activities that includes time for work, sleep, relationships, and recreation. Use a daily “thing to do” list. Improve your physical surroundings by cleaning your house and straightening up your office. Use your time and energy as efficiently as possible.

    5. Exercise. Physical activity has always provided relief from stress. in the past, daily work was largely physical. now that physical exertion is no longer a requirement for earning a living, we don’t get rid of stress so easily while working. It accumulates very quickly. We need to develop a regular exercise program to help reduce the effects of working. It accumulates very quickly. We need to develop a regular exercise program to help reduce the effects of stress before it becomes distress. Try aerobics, walking, jogging, dancing, swimming, and the like.

    6. Reduce Time Urgency. If you frequently check your watch or worry about what you do with your time, learn to take things a bit slower. Allow plenty of time to get things done. Plan your schedule ahead of time. Recognize that you can only do so much in a given period. Practice the notion of “pace, not race.”

    7. Disarm Yourself. Every situation in life does not require you to be competitive. Adjust your approach to an event according to its demands. You don’t have to raise your voice in a simple discussion. Playing tennis with a friend doesn’t have to be an Olympic trial. Leave behind you ‘weapons” of shouting, having the last word, putting someone else down, and blaming.

    8. Quiet Time. Balance your family, social, and work demands with special private times. Hobbies are good antidotes for daily pressures. Unwind by taking a quiet stroll, soaking in a hot bath, watching a sunset, or listening to calming music.

    9. Watch Your Habits. Eat sensibly – a balanced diet will provide all the necessary energy you will need during the day. Avoid nonprescription drugs and minimize your alcohol use – you need to be mentally and physically alert to deal with stress. Be mindful of the effects of excessive caffeine and sugar on nervousness. Put out the cigarettes – they restrict blood circulation and affect the stress response.

    10. Talk to Friends. Friends can be good medicine. Daily doses of conversation, regular social engagements, and occasional sharing of deep feelings and thoughts can reduce stress quite nicely.

  3. Love this. Thanks waylon. I was worrying about something , and praying about it, for almost a week. Yesterday in a crazy way God gave me an opportunity to deal with was awesome. He is definitely in the small details of our lives.

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