Slowness Rage

There’s a syndrome for everything.

Amazingly, there seems to be a syndrome to cover every kind of fault or sin. For example, the latest syndrome I have heard about is called “Pedestrian Aggressiveness Syndrome.”

It makes us have “slowness rage.” “Slowness rage” describes what happens when we get angry and upset when other people around us are not moving as quickly as we want.

The best example of this would be when we are walking on the sidewalk with a mission to get somewhere quickly. Then, we catch up with the group ahead that is simply out for a stroll. They don’t have anywhere to go or anything to do.

This throws us into a “slowness rage.”

“Pedestrian Aggressiveness Syndrome” can apply to most anything. I see this happening often in grocery checkout lines. The people in front of you act as if they have nothing to do for the remainder of the day. That, of course, makes you enraged.

Another example has to do with your PC or Internet connection. Not long ago I reported to our IT group that my PC was “painfully slow.” That’s just the way I felt. The slowness of my computer was driving me crazy. That’s “Pedestrian Aggressiveness Syndrome.” I was having “slowness rage.”

My favorite example of “Pedestrian Aggressiveness Syndrome” came when I visited an area along the Gulf Coast frequented by snowbirds. Snowbirds, of course, are retired people who move to the south during the cold weather months.

The bumper sticker I read went like this: “When I get old, I’m going to move up north and drive real slow.”

How in the world do we deal with this issue? After all, patience is a virtue. Its importance is noted throughout Scripture. We are to be patient, kind, compassionate, tender-hearted, and forgiving. “Pedestrian Aggressiveness Syndrome” seems to be the opposite of all that God wants us to be.

Let us seek God’s way to get things done and God’s way for how we treat other people.

Let us take on the mind of Christ, which was the mind of a servant. “Let each of you look not only to his own interests , but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which you have in Christ Jesus, who though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of  servant, being born in the likeness of men” (Philippians 2:4-7).

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2 Responses

  1. Dr. Bailey I appreciate you every day and enjoy the message you have to share,
    It helps us to be aware of our actions toward those we are in contact with in our daily lives. Bonnie

  2. My grandson, Parker, sang a little song to me on a road trip just yesterday that nails this issue. I encourage you to google “Herbert the snail , patience” :and by all means teach the song to your kids. The ants and beetles suffered from “slowness rage”. Thanks again Waylon. My grandson, by the way, admittedly has some “slowness frustration” with me at times.

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