What Nicodemus Learned from Jesus

Nicodemus was one of the leaders of Israel. Not only did he lead in political and religious duties, but he also taught the law to the people of Israel.

When Nicodemus came to Jesus, He came as one who needed to be taught the things of God.

What did Nicodemus learn?

First, he really did learn that Jesus had come from God. Nicodemus began his conversation with Jesus by affirming that Jesus had come from God. He knew no one could do the things Jesus had done apart from the presence of God. Whether or not he meant that sincerely we don’t know. What we do know is when he left he learned that Jesus truly had come from God. Jesus taught him the truths of heaven. True religion means knowing God and doing what God does.

Second, he learned about the work of the Spirit. Jesus taught Nicodemus that God’s work comes in God’s way. He works within us to produce life change.

Third, Nicodemus learned God’s purpose for all mankind. When Jesus told Nicodemus that God loved the world so much, he meant that God cared for all the people of the world – all ethnicities, languages, and religions. The people of Israel saw themselves as the children of Abraham and the only recipients of God’s love.

Jesus showed Nicodemus God’s love for all the people of the world.

Fourth, Jesus told Nicodemus about God’s redemptive purpose. Jesus came not to condemn but to deliver and save. He came to bring hope and new life.

Finally, Jesus taught Nicodemus the importance of personal trust and surrender. By surrendering your life to God, you can experience hope, life, and peace.

Jesus taught Nicodemus the necessity to put his faith and trust in Jesus. Eternal life comes when we give God our personal trust.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes I him will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

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2 Responses

  1. Strange is it not that our Lord should use opposites to win people to salvation. Consider how in Lk.4:16-31, He speaks of Elijah and Elisha ministering to Gentiles, while they did nothing for Jews. And then in Mt.15:21-28 Our Lord ignores a woman’s appeal for help, then speaks of His being sent only to the house of Israel, and, finally, He speaks to her in terms of rejection and even reprobation (dogs and they return to their vomit as Peter observes). Even so that message to the woman was heard and received with humility and spirited agreement, “Truth, Lord.” Then argument, “But even the dogs eat of the crumbs….” Alas, the Jews of Nazareth became enraged at the same theme and sought to murder our Lord. Could it be as Jn.5:34 that predestination, total depravity/inability, unconditional election, limited atonement/particular redemption, irresistible grace, and preservation/perseverance of the saints are invitation to salvation, therapeutic paradoxes? One theologian said, God does not save us by flattering us, but by opposing us.” Dr. John Eusden in his introduction spoke of predestination as an invitation to begin one’s spiritual pilgrimage. Could it be that the other doctrines of grace also serve that purpose. Consider how Jesus asked the impossible of the rich young ruler. He also asked the impossible of the man with the demon possessed son, “If you can believe.” The man realized that he could not: “Lord help my unbelief.” The sense of helplessness leads one to cry for help.

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