Hot Days and Warm Hearts

Late one hot afternoon last week I ran into one of our church members leaving the church property. I asked how he was doing and he responded something like this: “I’m blessed. I’m working with these kids from World Changers, and I am blessed to get to work with them.”

Then he continued on saying: “I am so impressed with these kids. They came here to work in the heat and paid their own way. If the Lord lets me live I’m going to work with world changers every year as long as I live.”

World Changers gives the church the opportunity to be salt and light in a needy and hurting world.

I am thankful for these things about our World Changers commitment.

First, I am thankful for these young people who have come to work and minister in our community. They paid their own way, and they worked these hot days to minister in the name of Jesus. We have about 130 young people from Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, and Texas. They came to work and minister, and they have done a great job.

I am thankful for their commitment. God is going to use them and bless them because of this week.

Second, I am thankful for our pastors and volunteers who have made World Changers work this week. They have put in long hours and prepared faithfully for this week.

Third, I am thankful for those who have been blessed by the World Changers. I ran into one of the homeowners this week. She became emotional telling of how she had been blessed by these young people.

Finally, I am thankful for you – – the church – – for encouraging ministry and opening our church facilities for this ministry.

May God use this week to make Himself known and glorified in our community.

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9 Responses

  1. Thank you. I have been in seminary summer school and one of my professors allowed me to give a 10 min presentation of the legal ramifications of the decision.

  2. Great word on World Changers! I am very grateful for FBC’s leadership in this arena. So many to thank, especially Bill Boren, Josh Jordan, and Adam Martin. My count may be “off” but I think we have seen seven World Changers weeks in the Northshore Baptist Association region over these past years. What a wonderful ministry! Thank you, FBC, Covington.

  3. Pastor, many of us are disappointed that nothing was said in regards to our church’s position and your position on this life changing issue, today at church. In my humble opinion, with all due respect, I feel a great opportunity was missed to encourage the people of God, and to let everyone know what your syance of leadership will be. I would be very interested in hearing your thoughts on the subject.

    1. Wayne, I’m sorry that it was not a forthright explanation. Our stand on this issue will be exactly as it has been. It will not change.
      we will have to work on our documents because of the new reality in the country. This will be setting explicitly in our governing documents about our view of marriage and how our facilities may be used. We already have policies which we follow, just not explicit and pointed.
      For a look at my preaching about the subject, I would refer you to my messages May 3, 2015 (addressed to the youngest believers) and Father’s Day June 21, 2015 about the future of the family. I preached explicitly on this subject further back than that, but I will have to look for that date to give you.
      Thanks for emphasizing the need to be clear about this subject.

  4. Pastor, not saying that you haven’t addressed the subject in the past. I just felt that in light of the huge slam in the gut that the SCOTUS gave this country the previous week, it would have been a most timely reminder to the Church body, that we intend to not change our stance on marriage, the home, and obedience to Gods Commands, just because the liberal powers of this country say we have to. It would have been a huge encouragement to me and my family, I know.

    Regardless of the written policies of the church, this type of issue bears repeating from time to time. Do you not agree? The same as any other Biblical truth.

    Be that as it may, thank you for addressing the subject in subsequent blogs since this one last Sunday. My prayers are with you to stand strong, and never bend to pressure from Satan and his ilk. My prayers are with you.

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