A Response to Same-Sex Marriage

Reality in America has changed.

The Supreme Court’s decision on same-sex marriage is already calling into question many of the “givens” in the United States of America. Is polygamy in our future? What about underage marriage and sexual relations? Will we protect our children? What will happen to the tax exemption for churches?

These are all questions which at this point remain to be answered.

How should followers of Christ respond to the new reality in America?

First, we must speak the truth. The worst thing Christians can do is go silent during this time. Our country needs dissenting voices and voices which teach the revealed Word of God. Many people in America do not know the teaching that sexual relations should be between one man and one woman committed to each other for life. We must bless America by standing for the truth.

We will never change opinions unless Americans hear reasoned responses to the new reality.

Second, we must speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). People must know we love them and want the best for them. That means they must see our love in action. Those who disagree with biblical truth will not believe our words; our actions must be seen.

As with almost everything, the question that will rule the day is “what are you for?” not “what are you against?”

Third, we must become deeply involved in our democracy. Christians must register, vote, contribute, and hold our representatives accountable.

Fourth, we must become “more.”  More biblical, more loving, more evangelistic, more involved in our communities.We must be seen as Christ–One who came from God and cared for people.

Fifth, we must give the reason for our hope in Christ and for our deeply held beliefs about righteousness. This is not anything new. Simon Peter urged the early believers to do the same: “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15).

We will be asked to give the reason; we must do so with gentleness and respect. That kind of thoughtful, prayerful, reasoned response given with gentleness, kindness, and respect will help many people to the truth.

I really do have hope that God will use this for much good. Please read tomorrow’s blog to see why and how.

Sixth, lift up your heads. Jesus talked about those things that would happen at the end of the age. He counseled His followers to “lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near” ( Luke 21:28). I see His words as literal in terms of His return and figurative in terms of the hope we have in Christ.

It is time for Christians to lift up their heads. We are not without hope. We serve a great God who is in control of history. All earthly kingdoms will fail; God’s kingdom reigns forever. Lift up your head.

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3 Responses

  1. The church must come together no matter who may be attacked. Pray together, serve together, stand together. We will not always agree on some points of doctrine but we must not allow the enemy to exploit these different views. If we are Christ followers we must live out the unity Christ prayed for in Jn. 17. The small church may be attacked first because of perceived weakness but we must stand together as the One Body of Christ. Many years ago a Chinese Church leader commented that he was concerned about the church in America because we do not have much persecution. That may change sooner than we think.

  2. Well said. Nonbelievers must know that just because the Supreme court has ruled it doesn’t make something right. They must also hear our voice of continued and unwavered hope in Christ

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