Will the Supreme Court Decision Harm the Church?

Can the Supreme Court destroy the church in America?

A different question – – can evil destroy the church? Will the Supreme Court decision harm the ministry of the church?

Many people seem to have predicted the demise of the church in America.

I disagree.

Frankly, I do agree that nominal and/or cultural Christians may leave the church. If that happens we will grieve, and the church will grow stronger as it grows smaller.

It is time for the church to hear and believe the words of Jesus: “on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it” (Matthew 16:18).

Remember this, the church doesn’t depend on unbelievers nor does it depend on public opinion. The church depends on you and me and our dependence on the Holy Spirit.

Let’s ask ourselves real questions. These are questions that must be answered by the followers of Christ. Do these things and the church will be stronger.

First, are you living a holy life? Much of the week and sad state of the church in America relates to our lack of holy living. God has called us to live holy lives. He has called us to be faithful and dependable. Our holy living will be attractive to a world living in utter darkness.

Second are you bold? Our God is not a God of fear. He has promised to be with us and never to forsake us. We must be bold in the face of untruth. We must speak the truth of God in gentle, respectful, and loving ways.

Third, are you seeking God? Does God have the priority in your life? Jesus told us to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things we worry about will be taken care of.

Fourth, are you seeking to understand God through Scripture? God speaks through His word. Neither God the Holy Spirit nor the word of God change. What God speaks today will not contradict what He has spoken in the past.

It is imperative that we hear God through His word.

Fifth, are you leading your children in righteous paths? One of the fears we face in this new day is for our children and grandchildren. What will the world be like for them?

I can’t answer what the world will be like for them, but I can assure you that God will never forsake them. If we help them to know and follow God, they will be fine in the worst of circumstances.

May God lead His church, and may we be faithful to follow Him in all ways.

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3 Responses

  1. You are so right! Christians must live by God’s laws. They are not up for debate. We must know them in our hearts, live them, pray them and defend them and depend on them. The future of our nation lies not in the court system but in every human heart.

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