Is the World Falling Apart?

I’ve sometimes been guilty of thinking the whole world is falling apart. It’s easy to wring your hands and live in despair.

After all, look at what is happening in Syria and Afghanistan. Europe now has a massive refugee crisis with thousands of people crossing various borders everyday. Like the huge majority of Americans, I worry about the Iran Nuclear Arms Deal. You can read about my views of that deal here:

Isis,with its barbarism, should make almost anyone wonder if there’s anyone in charge throughout the world.

With all of these problems, there still are good things happening.

I’ve spent the last two days at the headquarters of the North American Mission Board in Alpharetta, Georgia. Visiting this agency tasked with helping to plant new churches throughout North America gives you a reason to hope. There are many good things happening in North American and around the world.

For one thing, the world is coming to us. Many of the people coming to our country come from some of the most gospel resistant areas of the world.

Do you know the second largest population of Ethiopians in the world? It’s Washington D.C. Only Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, has more.

Today in San Francisco, 55% of the population is Asian, a population that is often difficult to reach.

We have tremendous opportunities to share the good news of God with people in North America.

There are also great things happening around the world. More Muslims have come to Christ in the last 15 years than the last 15 centuries.

It’s the same with Jews. More Jews have received Christ as their Messiah in this modern era than any time in history.

The Arabian peninsula has a number of churches and there are hopeful signs for religious freedom, not in Saudi Arabia but in the United Arab Emirates where there are 2.3 million Christians. This is more Christianss than in 100 countries of the world. This kind of Christian growth is happening in Kuwait,Qatar,and other gulf states.

Should we be surprised at good news? Among other helpful and faithful ministries, medical missions in the Middle East has helped to open a door.

We should also remember that God’s Word does not return empty handed but accomplishes what God desires (Isaiah 55:11).

Let us lift up our heads, knowing our God is at work through faithful believers who are giving making Christ known.

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2 Responses

  1. I have met several Sudanese medical students from Case Western here in Ohio. They are part of the “Lost Boys of Sudan”. They have become devout Christians and they go back to Sudan, sometimes at risk of death, to convert more Sudanese.

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