
How You Can Help Single Parents

Oct.1There may be no job more difficult job then being a single parent, and there may be no more important job.

Remember, very few single parents – – only a tiny minority – – chose this for themselves. Most, had it thrust upon them through no fault of their own.

I am proud of single parents. My wife was raised by a single mom who passed away a few years ago. She took care of three teenagers and an infant (my wife) without having government or family help. I have always been amazed that she was able to raise her family.

If you would like to read more about single parents and their effects, click here: http://waylonbailey.com/2015/09/22/why-expectations-matter/

For this reason and many others, I have a tremendous admiration for single parents.

What can you do to help those who are raising a family by themselves?

First, you can take every opportunity to give a word of encouragement. I’m always amazed at how a simple gesture can make a huge difference in someone’s life. Just knowing someone cares and appreciates you helps in what you’re trying to do.

A pat on the back, a word of encouragement, or a note or phone call can be the difference to keep someone going.

Second, try to find a tangible way to help the single parents in your sphere of influence. I don’t know exactly what that looks like, but here are some suggestions.

Give them a break by taking their children to the playground or babysitting. You could take the children for ice cream. Little things make a world of difference.

Maybe you could send a few dollars their way for something special and unexpected.

Third, – – and don’t miss the major significance of this – – pray for those single parents you know by name. Pray for their children. Pray specifically that they would all be strong and courageous.

Pray that the church, the extended family, and the grace of God would bless these parents and these children with strength and emotional stability.

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