
When Things Don’t Turn Out the Way You Want

Nov.12-01I probably don’t have to tell you that life can be filled with frustrations. Look around and you will see plenty that can frustrate you.

There are more than enough events to ruin your day and aggravate you throughout life.

The issue is not about frustrations. The issue is how you deal with them.

In life, you will have plenty about which to be frustrated and upset. You have to decide how you’re going to react.

What can you do to deal effectively with the frustrations of life?

First, you must accept reality. Aggravations come to everyone. The reasons for aggravation and frustration are myriad.

Think about them: sitting in traffic, ineffective and inattentive sales people or grocery store clerks, people who were supposed to do something and didn’t do it. The list is endless, but this is just the reality of life. The sooner you accept reality the better your life will be.

Second, plan for frustration and aggravation. Go ahead and schedule frustrations into your calendar. Assume that things are going to happen that will hinder your day. Please remember you’re not the only one under time pressure. You’re not the only person who lives with stress. Lack of time and heavy stress means that you will deal with people who don’t know what to do next. That’s frustrating.

Third, begin your day by praying for the peace of Christ that passes all comprehension. The Bible promises us that when we pray about everything we don’t have to be frustrated about anything. Praying about everything will open the door for the peace of Christ to enter our lives. “Don’t be anxious about anything but in everything with thanksgiving make your requests known to God, and the peace of God that passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6–7).

Fourth, instead of being frustrated, look for someone to bless. People who need a blessing are everywhere. They, too, are frustrated, but they don’t have any spiritual resources to help them with their frustration. You can help them. Give your best to God by caring for hurting people around you.

There is something very healing about helping another person.

May God bless you as you go through the frustrations of life and as you help other people to navigate the difficult waters of aggravation and frustration.

If you would like to receive my free daily look at life and Scripture, please sign up at www.Waylon You will receive an email with my devotional each morning.


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2 Responses

  1. This hit home, it spoke to me as my frustrations are seemingly more of a constant than intermittent occurrence lately. I have to sometimes stop and digest what people are saying before I can move forward in a conversation that would normally have come without hesitation, usually hearing people blame someone else or give some lame excuse like “I must have miss spoke” or just that glaring stare like a deer in the headlights look.
    The more I pray about things the clearer they become. The older I get, the more praying I do.

  2. Waylon, great points in dealing with frustration. The 4th point is a huge truth. When we get at a point in our lives where we have no idea what to do and finally give it all to the Lord; seeking out and helping those in need can go a long way in dealing with our frustration. While waiting for God’s timing in dealing with our problems, we can bless others which in turn blesses us and glorifies God. There is no greater positive feeling we can have than in knowing that we have truly helped a person in need.

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