Four Encouraging Signs for American Christians

Many American Christians are very discouraged. I understand and feel some of their discouragement, but I believe there are encouraging signs.

Let me give you four trends that give me great encouragement.

First, I am encouraged about the Millennial generation and those who follow them. The Millennials are between the ages of 18 and 35.

What we know about the Millennials is that they are the smallest group of believers of any generation in America – – and probably any in American history. While we wish that were different, those who are believers in this generation may be the strongest believers among us.

For that we can give thanks. These young people are seeking to make Christ known in unprecedented numbers. They have a deep and abiding faith.

I find that very encouraging.

If you would like to know more about the Millennials, you can read here:

Those who follow the Millennials are between birth and about 15 to 17 years old. They are known as Generation Z, and they will be the largest generation in American history. Let us pray they will be reached in large numbers and that they will be used mightily in Jesus’ name.

Second, I am encouraged about the people who follow Christ and call on his name. They are not going anywhere. Those genuine believers in America are continuing on the same journey they have been on. They pray, read Scripture, give, witness of their faith, and generally live their lives for Christ.

How do I know this to be the case? (1) I know it simply by observing the followers of Christ around me. They are not any less dedicated than they were. In fact, they may be growing in their dedication. I’ll write more about that in the paragraph below.

(2) I know it because of the recent Pew Research study that found that American Christians continue to be very religious people.

I find that very encouraging as well.

Third, I am encouraged because I am seeing and hearing the beginnings of revival in America. I’ve noticed this all summer and all fall long. I am praying that God would bring revival to the American church and that we would seek revival by prayer and fasting and that we would turn from our sin and yield ourselves completely to Christ.

I believe American Christians are getting the phrase “if my people . . .” (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Finally, and this is not a trend, it’s a fact. God is still God. He has not forsaken His people, and He will not forsake His people. We can put our trust in Him, knowing that He is with us to the very end of the earth.

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4 Responses

  1. Thank you for these encouraging words during these scary days. These days ARE bringing us closer to the Lord. Romans 8:28. We love and appreciate you!

  2. A contestant on “The Voice” received a standing ovation for singing a beautiful rendition of a popular hymn of faith straight from our hymn book. It clearly touched the hearts of the audience and judges. I think people are hungry for something solid to trust in; something that causes them to grow in love and peace. And we know Who that “Something” is.
    Thanks Waylon, for your “steadfast love.”

  3. I nodded my head right along while reading today’s post. It’s beyond encouraging to see fellow Christians standing up for Jesus, whether it be a simple act that plants a seed or giving their testimony on Facebook or witnessing to a stranger when the opportunity arises. Sometimes it takes acts of evil to open our eyes and get us to rise up, unafraid of what the world will think of us or do. As Christians we know what’s coming, and what a comfort that is!

  4. Shoes and medicine are wonderful but let us remember that JESUS is what the world needs! HE is what they hunger for, shoes wear out.

    If anyone wonders what has happened to the ‘church in America’ they need only to research a man named Peter Drucker, shame! I would NOT WANT TO BE HIM!

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