God’ s Message to His Church

Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is a letter to the church both then and now. It’s a letter the church must study and take to heart. It is God’s message to his church.

We do well when we seek God’s guidance for his church through Paul’s letter to the Ephesians.

Paul’s letter is simple in design and profound in it’s direction.

The letter contains two parts: the first section that deals with doctrine and teaching and the second that deals with behavior and execution.

The first part teaches us about who we are in Christ. We are wealthy in God. God has given us His Son to make us His own people.

We who were without hope and without God in the world now are His own dear children, adopted into His family. We who were far off are now close at hand. God has provided all we need according to His riches in glory.

The second part of Paul’s letter deals with behavior. Paul’s letters all have a behaving side and a believing side. After having established correct doctrine, Paul moves to putting the doctrine into practice in the church and in our lives as a whole.

Paul calls the church to emphasize three essential tasks in the church.

These are unity, maturity, and purity. None of these happen without our will to make this happen and our willingness to let God mold us into His image.

All three of these are difficult. What church would be able to say, “We are a church of unity, maturity, and holiness?”

Yet, God has provided all we need to become just that kind of church.

What will you do to help your church become a body of believers who are characterized by unity, maturity, and purity?

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