The Most Solemn and Significant Time of the Year

For Christians, today begins the most solemn and significant time of the year – – the weeks leading up to Resurrection Sunday. For many Christians this is a time of fasting and prayer. For all Christians, it is a time of deep reflection as we remember how our Lord voluntarily gave Himself on the cross for us. Paul put it in perspective when he said this about our Lord: “He who knew no sin became sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God.” (2 Corinthians 5:21).

Let’s look at this powerful passage of Scripture. Four significant points stand out in this passage.

First, Jesus lived a sinless life. As the sinless Son of God, He became the perfect sacrifice for sin. Like the sacrifices offered in Old Testament times, Jesus was without spot and blemish.

Many people have died for others. Only the perfect Son of God could become the atoning sacrifice for the sinful people of the world.

Second, when Jesus died for us, He took our sin and our penalty. He became sin for us.

Third, the death of Jesus on our behalf brought about our death and resurrection as well. When he died, We who have trusted in him died as well. When he was raised from the dead, we who have submitted our lives to Him were raised also (Romans 6:1-4).

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ Jesus, he is a new creation. The old has passed away the new has come” (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Fourth, his death our behalf made us righteous before God.

Satan’s greatest lie might be that we can earn our entry into heaven.

Of course it’s not true. As Scripture says, any righteousness that we have is nothing but dirty rags compared to the righteousness of God. We have to have a righteousness we could never earn. When Christ became the sinless sacrifice for our sin, He graciously bestowed his righteousness on us. We received what we can never deserve– – the very righteousness of God. These amazing truths should be reflected upon and considered as we approach the time of the crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord.

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