Five Actions to Make You a Better Christian

I so much want to please God and to be what He wants.

How can I become a more dedicated follower of Christ?

Many passages of Scripture could be used to answer this question. One of the most meaningful is 1 Peter 1:22-2:3.

In this passage Simon Peter calls on those believers who have been scattered by persecution throughout the Roman Empire to live for God by following sound Scriptural exhortations.

What action should I take to be a better Christian?

First, hold firmly to the truth. Throughout Scripture, truth is emphasized.

Think how essential this is. If you believe something but it’s not the truth, what difference does it make? Jim Denison reminds us that “The most dangerous lie in our culture is the belief that our opinion changes eternal reality. Many people have told me that hell doesn’t exist, but their belief cannot possibly change hell’s existence. They are wagering their eternal destiny on their personal opinion.”

Truth is absolutely essential. God is truth and His Word is truth. Only when we hold firmly to the truth can we fully and completely follow God.

Second, love genuinely and sincerely. Simon Peter spoke about having a “sincere love of the brethren” and loving one another “earnestly from the heart.” A sincere love is un-hypocritical. An earnest love is one which perseveres–it loves even when life is difficult and doesn’t go the way you want.

Third, trust God with a sincere heart. God can be trusted. We can know His faithfulness. “The word of the Lord abides forever.” You will have many days when you don’t know what God is doing, but you will never have a day when God doesn’t know what He is doing.

Put your trust in God even when you can’t see His hand at work. “God is too wise to be mistaken, God is too good to be unkind, So when you don’t understand, When you don’t see his plan, When you can’t trace his hand, Trust His heart” (Babbie Mason).

Fourth, actively seek to remove evil actions and selfish intents. Simon Peter told these believers (and us!) to put away “all malice and all guile and insincerity and envy and all slander.” Holiness demands that we put away the evil and embrace the good.

Finally, seek with all your heart to become like Christ. Simon told these believers “Like newborn babes, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up to salvation; for you have tasted the kindness of the Lord.”

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