March 30

Five Areas to Improve Your Effectiveness

March 30Serving as a pastor has many difficult parts. One of those is the feeling that you never get finished.

It’s not just that the pastor works among an endless line of people with deep needs, it’s also the fact that there is always something that needs to be prepared. Sunday is always only a few days away. Pastors know what it feels like to always have something hanging over their head. It can be a hectic life.

Maybe this is the reason why I am so passionate about being efficient and effective. Some of you know that I have an almost obsession with good time management and doing the things that really matter in life. Today I want to give you five areas that have helped me be more effective and to use time wisely.

First, know what matters and what has to be accomplished. Part of this first step is planning to do things that count and matter. Being better organized about doing things that really don’t matter makes no sense. To the contrary, planning to do the important things and setting up systems that allow you to do so truly counts.

Second, make a list (even if it’s only in your mind) about what needs to be done and what’s important to do. If you don’t set a goal, how do you know when you hit it?

Establish your list and put the truly important at the top. Then go down your list as you go through your day.

I try to go into each day knowing those areas that have to be addressed.

Third, make phone calls early in the morning. I find this to be a very helpful practice especially if you are calling businesses. For example, if I need someone to get something done during the day, why not give them the whole day to do it? If you call late in the afternoon you can almost be assured of getting a call back after work hours or the next morning. Make your calls early and people will have the opportunity to call you back.

Fourth, establish an uncluttered workspace. You may know I struggle in this area, but I feel liberated when everything has a place and everything is in its place.

Fifth, leave work at the office. For years, I have carried home stacks of work that needed to be completed. When I quit taking work home (even if I have to stay late to get it done), life became more calm and even more effective.

I hope these areas help you. They have helped me.

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One Response

  1. So many times I have set the agenda, but God has another plan for my day. If i stop and let him take control, it is amazing what gets done that really matters. Thanks for today’s message with such great strategies for our “busy” lives. God bless you.

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