Learn to Use Your “Undo” Button

April 4Most editing programs have an “Undo” button and a “Redo” button. You need to find those buttons. I promise you will be thankful you did.

I use those buttons often. They save me from the worst calamities.

A few days ago, I was putting the finishing touches on one of my daily blogs. Though I have been writing the blog for almost five years, it is still a relief to get the next day’s post finished.

I was at that point. All I had to do was schedule it to be published and I would be finished for another day.  Then, I made some kind of false move and lost it completely.

Panic set in.

Fortunately, I remembered the “Undo” button, clicked on it and it was as if nothing had happened. I scheduled the blog to post the next morning and I was ready to think about the next blog to be written.

I was very thankful for the ability to redo and start again.

Are you aware you have “Undo” and “Redo” buttons in other areas of your life?

It’s called an apology, saying “I’m sorry,” and asking forgiveness. For most people, you don’t even have to ask forgiveness. You simply have to ask, “Could we start over again?”

It’s amazing how simple the “Undo” button is, but it’s also amazing how significant it is when you need what it can do.

The “Redo” button in life is not hard to use, but it is hard to swallow your pride and admit your mistake–a harsh word, an angry look, a careless action. All of these can start raging infernos or they can be extinguished by a simple little act.

“So if you are standing before the altar in the Temple, offering a sacrifice to God, and you suddenly remember that someone has something against you, leave your sacrifice there beside the altar. Go and be reconciled to that person. Then come and offer your sacrifice to God” (Matthew 5:23-24).

Starting over is a little thing with profound significance.

Don’t forget the button and don’t forget how to use it.

I write a daily about Pastoral Leadership and Christian Living. If you would like to be a part of the blog, you can do so by subscribing at waylonbailey.com.



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