Do You Have Enough Time?

I’m always amazed at what I have heard from many retired men: “I don’t know how I ever worked. I’m too busy.”

I have heard that enough times to believe that it’s really true.

We all struggle with having enough time.

In the Bible you find two kinds of time.

The first is the time we’re all familiar with–it’s the hands of a clock kind of time. In fact, that Greek word for time is chronos, from which we get the word chronology or chronograph. It means the passage of time.

Everyone has that kind of time, and everyone has the same amount.

But there is another kind of time in Scripture. It’s opportunity time. It’s seeing an opportunity and making the most of it. The Greek word is kairos, the kind of time that makes a difference in people’s lives.

Like chronos, we all have kairos. The only difference is what you do with it.

This week we have had Vacation Bible School at the church where I serve as pastor. I have watched hundreds of adult volunteers take advantage of the time (kairos) given to them. They are attempting to influence the next generation. They are sharing their faith and telling children about the difference Christ has made in their lives. It’s beautiful to see men take their vacations to teach children–talk about using your time to make a difference.

The Apostle Paul told us to make the most of every opportunity to influence the lost. “Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone” (Colossians 4:5-6).

We all get time, but we don’t all take time to make a difference. Jesus didn’t seem to be much influenced by time, but He always seemed to take the time to make a difference.

You can do the same. Are you willing to make the most of every opportunity?

I write a devotional every day that I would like for you to be a part of. If you would like to receive my devotional in your inbox each morning, you can sign up for this free ministry below.


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