It’s Easy to be Discouraged

We all know discouragement is easy and optimism is difficult, but as Jim Denison says, “It’s always too soon to give up on God.”

If the future of the world is up to me, we’re in trouble; if the future of the world is in God’s hands, we are in wonderful shape!

Beginning today and continuing through June, I want to give you reason for hope–not because of us but because of God. I will be preaching about vision and hope, but in a different way than we usually expect it.

Today, we will talk about what makes us Baptist. I hope you will get a picture of the church that you haven’t seen before. I want the light to come on for you as we look at what God did in the past through a people wholly devoted to Him. That is the key–to be wholly devoted to God.

Thankfully, we aren’t the only people who love God and seek His plan. Those people are all over the world. Over the next three weeks, we will see that God is moving right here and around the world.

It’s very difficult to work in VBS–or even observe it–without feeling a sense of hope. God still saves, and He still calls. God is doing amazing things in the lives of young Christians.

Another area that encourages me is the number of FBC college students who are leading in some form of Christian missionary work this summer.

Next Sunday–Father’s Day–we will discuss why we must honor Father and Mother. The prophet Malachi told of a great day when God would turn the hearts of the fathers toward their children and children toward their fathers. This is a basic spiritual principle. You must honor father and mother. When we get our families right, we have reason to be encouraged.

The last weekend in June will be a time for me to talk about our church expansion. We will talk about the new schedule and the use of the building for the glory of God.

I hope you will be present for all of these.

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2 Responses

  1. Your sermon today was enlightening and a dynamic history of why we are Baptist. I have many friends of other denominations. I respect all as long as they believe that the only way to be saved is through belief in the Lord, Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God. I know more about why I am Baptist thanks to your sermon today.

  2. I wholeheartedly agree with Alta. I enjoyed the lesson on church history, the foundation of our Baptist church and how we differ from other Christian churches. I feel stronger than ever, that I am in the place of God’s calling for me.

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