Learning to Live in a Different America

I lived through the 60s. Those were my teenage years. They were very difficult.

This past week was also very bad.

Maybe I’ve forgotten a lot, or, maybe this really has taken racism, anger, and bitterness and reset it to a whole different level.

How do we learn to live in this very different world?

Here are four lessons that immediately come to mind.

First, reach out to people who are different. For me, different people would be black or Hispanic. For you they might be white or black or Hispanic.

We really can’t learn to live together until we begin learning who we are. I have some wonderful black friends. I enjoy them immensely, and I respect them deeply.

It’s time that we get to know one another.

Second, find someone to be kind to. Start at home, take it to work and church, and be patient in the grocery store. Sincerely look for people to treat as you want to be treated.

Bo Jackson, the athlete, tweeted this Thursday night after the police shootings: “Before you go to sleep tonight, I challenge every single one of you to do something nice for a complete stranger. Our world needs that.”

Third, begin looking at people differently. See them for who they are – – they are created in the image of God and people for whom Christ died.

If that will not change the way you see other people, the problem is spiritual rather than physical.

Finally, deal with your issues related to anger, respect, and bitterness. The apostle Paul told us to get rid of all of these negative areas: “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice” (Ephesians 4:31). Replace those actions and emotions with Christ-like compassion: “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32).

Find someone to help you. Look for a counselor, a pastor, or attend a recovery ministry. Don’t sweep it under the rug. Don’t assume you can handle it (those are famous last words).

America is different. We must learn to live in this different world.

I write a blog about life and Scripture each day. If you would like to receive this on a daily basis, you can subscribe at WaylonBailey.com or in the box below.


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4 Responses

  1. Waylon, for once I disagree with you. I do believe we should try to get along with others but I disagree that we need to learn to live in a different world. We have individually allowed this world to become different due to our own inaction. We have not held our so called elected officials accountable and have allowed a small step by small step of change in society to take place. This is exactly what Obama and Sorros have planned in the changing of America. If we do not draw a line it will do nothing except continue on until there is no America for our children and grand-children. God help us if we do not stand up, stand together and thru action take back America if we want it to survive.

    1. I was getting along just fine reading today’s blog until you stated we should have patience at the grocery store! That’s when you started stomping on my toes!
      Thanks for writing this message daily, even on vacation.

  2. I ditto Jim Matthews! Our Founding Fathers must be crying now! Shame on all of us for allowing our corrupt and evil govt to destroy our country! Our first mistake was allowing them to remove God from our public schools and govt buildings! We should have fought for Him!!! Now we are in a BIG mess and we better fight literally to remove this evil govt!

  3. Being one seen as “different” has blessed me to see all others as people also created by God.
    He desires for them what He desires for me, for all of us – to love Him and others as He loves us.
    Easier said than done.
    Eph 4:31-32 is for all of us.
    Sometimes I get stuck, have to back track, ask for forgiveness & start over.
    Thankful for God’s mercy, forgiveness, love, salvation, none of which I deserve!
    Learning to live in this world means learning to love in this world … at least for me.

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