Don’t Forget Church!

We all have a lot going on this week. Just in my own life I’ve made a quick trip to Alabama to visit my mother and have returned to be with my family from Covington and those visiting from Alabama and Florida.

Making all these trips, buying gifts, preparing great meals, and generally getting everything ready takes a lot out of us.

There’s one thing I want to remind you to do – – don’t forget church!

Several months ago a group of pastors of churches about the same size exchanged emails about what we were going to do about worship this weekend.

That became an issue because Christmas is on Sunday.

The pastor who started that email thread wanted to know what our plans were.

It was amazing to me how similar most of the churches are. All are going to have services this weekend.

Almost all have planned a number of Christmas eve services and one worship service on Sunday morning.

The church where I serve as pastor will have Christmas Eve services at 2:00, 3:30, and 5:00 p.m. Saturday afternoon. We then have one worship service Sunday morning at 10:00 A M.

All this week I’ve been amazed at how many people said, “I’ll see you both Saturday and Sunday.” That means we will have large crowds and enthusiastic worship. I am looking forward to the weekend with a great deal of excitement.

Let me encourage you to do the same. Don’t let your worship be something that you “have to do” or “should do;” let it be something you “get to do.”

Encourage your family to attend with you. Talk it up to the children and your family. Present it as an opportunity rather than an intrusion.

If you have little children, use this as a teaching time to tell them why we have Christmas and what it means.

Don’t forget church!

One of the things I “get to do” is to communicate with people all over the country about life and Scripture. If you would like to receive all of my daily devotionals, you can sign up at or in the box below. It’s completely free, and we don’t give out your email address.



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