De-Clutter Your Work and Your Mind

The beginning of the new year is a good time to re-evaluate your life, business, and productivity.

Being a good steward of time and accomplishing my daily goals have always been an intense interest for me. I usually read a time management or productivity book each year.

I have found tremendous help by carrying out some simple ideas. I hope these will help you as well.

First, my day is more joyful, peaceful, and productive when I begin the day in the presence of God. I find that beginning the day in prayer and Scripture makes the remainder of the day better all around.

I cannot emphasize enough this simple activity which will be a blessing to you and the people you meet.

Second, develop a plan and follow the plan as much as possible. This might be a to-do list,  productivity goals, or simply a list of activities that are most important for the day.

Writing down your goals or establishing priorities for the day will help you to get more done.

Third, understand when you are most creative. For me, this means a time of being alone and without distractions. Many times it is the earliest time of the morning.

Everyone is different so it is important that you understand when and how you are most creative.

Fourth, de-clutter.

At this point, I must confess I tend to let stacks pile up and keep too many things that should be gotten rid of.

Getting rid of clutter is freeing and empowering. It helps me to accomplish so much more.

January is a good time to get rid of the clutter around you. Getting read of physical clutter will help you get rid of mental clutter.

Finally, put an end to your day.

This may not be a productivity tool,  but it will be a blessing for your life.

I need to find a time when my day is finished – – when I’ve done everything I need to do and I no longer have to think of it anymore.

I would encourage you to find an official end of the day when you have done your work and you are completely at home to relax and enjoy the evening. I also would encourage you not to take work home.

This is another area that has given me a challenge through the years. I want to encourage you to begin working on this very vital part of productivity as early as possible.

Each day I write a blog about Christian living and pastoral leadership. If you would like to receive your own copy in your inbox, you may sign up for your free subscription at or in the box below.


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