There’s An Answer to Your Problem

We all have difficult problems that need long-term solutions.

How do we get beyond the surface and truly deal with the deep problems we face?

The Apostle Paul wrote to the church at Philippi about dealing with the real issues of life. Isn’t it amazing how often we obsess over the minor issues and ignore the major problems?

Paul wrote to the church to help them put things in their proper place. He talked with them about the spiritual issues of life.

Here are three important points he made in Philippians 3:1–14.

First,You can’t solve deep, spiritual problems with outward fixes.

Even though this truth is self-evident, we keep trying to handle spiritual issues with physical and fleshly answers.

Paul saw this first-hand in his own life. He had done everything he and his society knew to do.

Paul’s life before Christ looked successful. In many respects it was. Even though Paul looked good on the outside and did everything his culture demanded of him, he knew that he was a mess on the inside.

Outward, legalistic practices will not solve the real problems of life.

Second, the answer to your problem is not with you.

Paul saw this issue in his own life as well. Though he knew he needed righteousness, he also knew that it couldn’t be found in him. His outward actions could not solve his inward need.

Paul learned that the answer is with God. He also learned that the answer came as God sent His Son. Paul recognized that his only righteousness would come from God and by faith.

As you and I deal with issues, we need to be people who look to God first.

A few years ago I made a commitment to pray about everything. Then I learned how difficult that commitment is.

I find myself picking back up what I’ve already let go. I find myself assuming that I know best and that I can handle anything that comes along. None of that is true. I need God in my life.

Third, I must strain forward and press on toward the goal of living a godly life. In the same way that I can’t do this by myself, I also can’t simply leave it to God. I must join Him in taking me toward the “high call of God in Christ Jesus.”

I must seek Him with all my heart and keep Him ever before me. I must keep my eyes on the prize.

As I spend time with God and seek Him with all my heart, I will find myself wanting more and more to please Him.

There’s an old cliché which says: “God has a wonderful plan for your life.”

He really does.

Let me encourage you to seek Him and let Him be involved in all of the issues of life.

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3 Responses

  1. I recognize that “old cliche;” it comes from a pamphlet titled “The Four Spiritual Laws.” I have not seen a copy in the last few years, but it was amazing how many people were saved through the use of that one little booklet.

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