The Land of “No More”

Easter is a really big deal. Anyone around the church knows that is true.

Easter matters for a number of reasons, such as the highest church attendance of the year and wonderful family celebrations. As one of our pastors says, “This is our Super Bowl.”

While those things are significant, there are other more meaningful reasons why Easter and its celebration really matter.

First, Easter is a reminder about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul used the needs of the church at Corinth to remind them about the centrality of the Gospel. Paul described the Gospel as Christ dying for our sins, being buried, and being raised from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).

Easter is good because it makes us look again at who were are and what God has called the church to be.

Second, Easter shows us the power of God. Paul asked those examining him, “Why should any of you consider it incredible that God raises the dead?” (Acts 26:8). When God raised Jesus from the dead, He showed what the Bible describes: “Nothing is impossible with God?”

We need to be reminded that our God raises the dead, both literally and figuratively. By His power, God raised Jesus and by His power He brought His people out of death and into life.

Third, Easter matters because the church needs to meet together to celebrate God’s goodness as God’s family. Recently, someone pointed out that Easter is basically a family celebration where almost everyone in the family shows up.

We need those times.

Fourth, Easter shows God’s power to transform us into His image. Because of the cross and resurrection, we are new creatures who have received the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). I need love, joy, and peace as well as patience, kindness, and goodness. I also need to grow in Christlikeness. Our Easter celebrations remind us of God’s great work to make us new.

Finally, Easter points us to the future. Christ is the first fruits of the resurrection. One day all of us who trust Christ will follow Him in being raised from the dead.

That will be an amazing day. It will be the world of “no more”–no more pain, no more sorrow, no more tears, no more death. “After that, we who are still alive and left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever” (1 Thessalonians 4:17).

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