The Best Story of the Day

Yesterday was a momentous day.

Listening to the news was like riding a roller coaster. Think of all the things in the news.

Judge Brett Kavanaugh, the U.S. Senate, the NATO summit, President Trump’s meeting with Teresa May and coming meeting with Vladimir Putin–what a news day. According to which network you watched, you were either elated or depressed. What a day!

The best news of the day had nothing to do with any of these stories. No one disagreed about the news that captured everyone’s attention–the wonderful news about the Thai soccer team, their faithful coach, and the brave seals from many different countries who risked their lives to rescue the team.

Everyone is marveling at those brave seals who risked their lives and at the one who died. Even those who planned the rescue admitted they never thought they could get the whole team out alive.

It was an amazing story. Of all the members of the team, the coach–only 25 years old–fared the worst and gave the most. He is seriously malnourished because he gave his food to the others. He wouldn’t let the team give up.

Courage and sacrifice are two of the actions we admire most. That coach and those brave rescuers exhibited actions which all the world is talking about.

Frankly, I cannot imagine doing what those people did.

Here’s the thing we need to know. If those heroes had not been involved, they might not have been able to imagine themselves doing what they did, either.

I’ve always been amazed at courage. David fighting Goliath was an unimaginable act of courage. Did David know he had it in him to do what he did? I don’t think so.

Courage is not what you have; it is what you do. Bravery is being faithful against insurmountable odds. No one plans to be a hero. A person becomes a hero when she or he sacrifices for the good of others.

We become heroes when we are willing to give for others.

Everyone loves that kind of story. Jesus told us that the greatest of loves is to lay down our lives for others.

I thank God for kind, loving, sacrificing, and courageous people. As bad as our world is, we all bear the image of God–the kind, loving Father who sacrificed His own Son for you and me.

Of all the stories I know, I love that story the best.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

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