What Every Child Should Know

A very large part of the responsibility of the church is to teach children “the way they should go.” This is obviously the responsibility of parents but also a major concern for the church.

What is it that every child should know?

First, every child should learn the value of working hard and not giving up. I like sports because almost all sports require a person to persevere and continue to work hard.

We all know that much of life is simply showing up in the midst of hard times. Our children have to learn to be courageous and not to quit even when times are hard and life is discouraging.

Second, every child should learn to respect authority. 

Many authorities don’t really command any respect. It was that way when the Apostle Paul stood before the High Priest Ananias (Acts 23). Ananias (Paul did not know he was the high priest) commanded that Paul be struck in the mouth. Paul reacted with anger that he would be struck in defiance of the law of the Old Testament.

We know that Ananias was a corrupt high priest. The Jewish historian Josephus described his love of money and how he stole the tithes which belonged to the priests.

When Paul learned that he had spoken harshly against the high priest, he apologized by quoting the teaching of the law. Even in those circumstances, Paul respected authority. We need to teach our children to do the same.

Third, every child should be taught to trust God in all things.

As I write  this, I am looking at a card on my desk. This is what it says: “For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him” (2 Chronicles 16:9). Every child needs to learn to fully commit their hearts to the Lord. Each child needs to know of the faithfulness of God and His desire to bless us throughout life.

All three of these teachings are better “caught” than “taught.” Let your children see you following all these principles and you will see children who are learning the things they need in life.

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