“I Need To Get My Life Straightened Out”

“I just need to get my life straightened out.”

I hear that declaration over and over. I heard it again Sunday. And, to be perfectly honest, I find myself saying that from time to time. We all need help, and we need what God has to give.

How can we help other people know God and begin the tough process of getting their lives straightened out?

Here are some positive things you can do to be a blessing to other people.

First, pray for them. Pray that God would bless them. I think we often pray amiss about lost people. They need God’s blessings, and we need to assure them that we are praying that God will bless them.

Second, pray with them. Not every lost person will want you to pray for them but most do. I always ask people if I can pray. When they give me permission, I seek to pray boldly over them for God’s direction for them.

Third, invite them to something that will make sense to them. For example, if they have young children, invite them for VBS. If they are struggling in a particular area, invite them to groups who are meeting about grief, divorce, or recovery. Like my friend on Sunday, people know they need help to get their life straightened out.

Fourth, be genuine. Most lost people do not know one credible Christian and for that reason they have no one speaking truth in their live. Who is a credible Christian? One who seeks to live for Christ and who loves to help lost people know God.

Let’s be honest. No one is looking for a judgmental, manipulative church goer. Everyone is looking for someone who genuinely cares about them. I often say this about church, “You can’t keep people from a place they are loved.” And, people are attracted to people who are kind and caring.

Finally, ask them to trust Christ. At some point after you have prayed and witnessed, you will want to ask your friend to trust Christ. Not long ago one of the women in our church said to her best friend, “I have trusted Jesus, and I will one day go to heaven. I want you to be there with me.” She said it genuinely and kindly and now her best friend is going to heaven, too.

We all need God. Please help your friends know Him.

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One Response

  1. This has to be one of my favorite blogs. I truly feel loved and accepted every time I walk into FBC. thank you for the reminder.

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