Four Opportunities for You and Christ’s Church

I write “Lagniappe” to give you a little something extra every week. Sometimes I write about what’s happening soon or how the church is doing. Today I want to write about opportunities you and I can take to be a blessing to others.

Here are my four things.

First, be intentional about looking for opportunities to share Christ with other people. The Apostle Peter gave us this exhortation, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15). Peter’s words indicate that many of these people may be challenging our faith and hope. The Apostle saw this as an opportunity. We should respond not as to a challenge but as to a tremendous open door. Make your response with gentleness and respect.

Second, deliberately pray for close friends and acquaintances to know Christ. Make it a habit to call their name before God. Pray that God would bless them in every way.

Third, invite someone to something. We have many ministries where people would have an interest. Encourage them to come, or even better, ask them to attend with you. Life is so difficult and challenging that many people know they need help. For this reason, many people will participate if they are invited and encouraged. Studies are very clear that most people who don’t know Christ would attend church if someone they knew and respected asked them.

Fourth, be intentional in your spiritual growth. I’ve noticed in my life that when I am closest to God I am also most concerned about others. My daily experiences with Christ equip me to help others know Christ.

It is very clear to me that God has opened a door for us. Let’s be intentional about walking through that door (Revelation 3:7-8).

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