How Can We Live “Steadfast?”

God’s Word is always more powerful and sharper than a two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12). That certainly includes the Book of Nehemiah.

What does God’s Word through Nehemiah say to us? How does it help us to be steadfast as we seek to follow God and His plan for our lives?

As I have studied the Book of Nehemiah, God has shown me three prominent themes that help us be steadfast as we seek to follow God.

First, we must be people of prayer. As I have noted in writing and in sermons, the most surprising aspect of Nehemiah’s life was his devotion to prayer. At the very beginning of the book, Nehemiah fasted and prayed. He wept and mourned over the hurt and loss for God’s people. The book contains nine recorded prayers of Nehemiah.

To be steadfast people, we must pray. We must seek God and “carry everything to God in prayer.”

Second, we must confront difficult situations. When Nehemiah saw that the people of Jerusalem were living contrary to the law of God. He dealt with the situation, but he did it in an unusual way.

As Nehemiah confronted the disobedient Jews who were using and abusing their fellow Jews, he didn’t speak immediately or have a temper tantrum. Instead, he pondered the situation. Though the book doesn’t say so, I assume this meant that Nehemiah prayed and meditated over the matter.

Then, he called a large meeting and laid out the problem.

The result was that the people understood the problem, repented, and began to live differently.

Third, living steadfast before God means we must seek to please God in all situations.

No one can make everyone happy, but if we seek to make God happy we can bring the best result for our life.

When we seek God and His way and live according to that way, our lives will be the best possible.

We were created to know God and live for Him. When we live steadfastly to honor Him, we live the best life possible and we will do as we were created to do.

Have a great week!



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One Response

  1. This was a wonderful sermon for our family to hear. This has been the most challenging year of our families lives in every facet but with the challenges. patience wisdom and growing closer to God’s promises is what you have to cling to and believe in. Please pray for the Tyler family because we are coming y’all’s way and can’t wait to be a part of the First Baptist Church family. God bless.
    Please tell Miss Martha I’m enjoying her book it hurts but I’m okay!

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