I Love the Church

I love the church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

In the church, I have found fellowship, encouragement, and strong leadership. Because of the church, I am a follower of Christ and a preacher of the gospel.

What makes churches better?

First, the church is stronger and better when we have a definite central purpose that we all rally around.

In our church, “We exist to help people know and accept Jesus Christ and through Him experience life-changing relationships.“ That is our purpose statement. It is a strong, effective statement because it comes from the pages of the New Testament.

We print this statement on every document we publish and put it on every webpage. We want to remind people why we exist and Who we serve. When we are moving in that direction, the church better accomplishes its mission and ministry.

Second, churches do better when there is an emphasis on humility, service, and unselfishness. The Apostle Paul pointed out that we should follow the example of Jesus Himself  by taking on the mind and attitude of Christ who humble Himself and gave Himself selflessly for our sake.

Third, churches do better when “it’s not about me.“ When “it is about me,” the church will always suffer, but when we bless others and please God the church does well.

Fourth, the church does well as we work with other believers, using our gifts and abilities to build up the body of Christ.

We simply cannot do God’s work alone. He created the church and gave it gifts to do the work of ministry.

As we do these things and have these attitudes, God will bless His people.

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2 Responses

  1. First Baptist Church has blessed me and my family for many years we may be an hour away but we watch you every Sunday and learn and Grow as a family. Thank you all for making TV possible to reach those they can’t make it because of medical reasons to church on Sundays.

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