How Is that Working for You?

John Ortberg in his book entitled, “The Life You’ve Always Wanted“ told the story of a Senate hearing in the 1960s.

The hearing had to do with changes to come in the country and in the world in the next few years because of technological revolution. According to Ortberg, senators heard how technology would change the lives of all Americans. They were particularly interested to hear how technology would give us huge amounts of free time. In fact, one of the fears of those who testified was that people would have to retire early because productivity would save so much time.

They even predicted fewer hours in a work day and fewer days in a work week.

My question for you is, “How is that working for you?“

Most people would probably say that the new technologies are not saving time but actually using more time.

Paul talked about using time wisely. He called on the church at Colossae to make the most of every opportunity. He referred to opportunity time – – the kind that often is not planned for. These are times when God’s Spirit is at work and we seize the opportunity to tell of God, to speak of His goodness, and to give thanks and praise to Him.

Paul said another important word about time and opportunity. As a sort of summary for how we live for God, Paul said, “And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the father“ (Colossians 3:17).

Paul extorted believers to let God be involved in everything in life. Paul wanted us to pray about everything and to be anxious about nothing. He wanted our lives to be such that we sought God and His way and plan in everything we do.

While technology may not be helping us save time, God is at work.

Whatever you do, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus.

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  1. Your daily message is part of my morning routine. It always holds a personal message for me and provides me with daily encouragement. Thank you.

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