We’ve made this year a year for evangelism and reaching people for a deeper life with Christ.
We are just finishing our initial push for getting us ready for what we can do in the remainder of the year and the years to come. People who are lost need Christ, and those who know Christ need to live closer to Him.
We have set out to make this a greater year for Christ.
Let me tell you about the two new sermon series that will take us through the end of June.
We have just finished “Who’s Your One?,” an emphasis on reaching our friends and relatives for Christ.
Our next sermon series (starting today) will also be about evangelism and growing deeper. Today we begin “Why God Sent His Son.” We will look at an Easter theme as we look at the love of God and His sending His Son to be the once and for all sacrifice for our sin.
This series will be seven weeks (February 29-March 1 through April 11-12). My hope is to use these sermons to build on what we began with “Who’s Your One?” This should be a great time to ask your “one” to attend with you as we show the love of Christ expressed in His coming and death to reconcile us to God.
Beginning April 18-19, we will begin a ten sermon series entitled “Ten Steps to a Joy-filled Life.” This series will end in June and will call us to grow in Christ.
Only in Christ can we really have a life of joy, meaning, and blessing.
All of this is leading to August 15-16 when we will have 2,020 people in Bible Study!
Would you join in praying for our worship services and the new people who will be joining us? Would you commit to know Christ in His fullness and to let Him work in greater ways through you?