Sometimes life simply becomes more than you can take. You get overwhelmed by life.
That may be where you are today.
What can we do in these kind of times? Paul addressed these kinds of issues when he wrote to the church in Philippi.
One of the amazing things about this letter is the fact that the Philippian church was free and Paul was in prison. Yet, Paul wrote to the church to help them deal with the ups and downs of life (Philippians 4:1-9). He gave them this instruction.
First, care for the people around you. Paul called on the church to “agree in the Lord” and to count others better than themselves. He gave Timothy as the example of a person who thought about others more than he thought about himself.
Caring for other people has an amazing curative effect. When we look for other people to bless, we find that our step has a spring to it and that our own personal lives look much better.
Second, depend on God in prayer. Paul told the church in Philippi to be prayerful about everything and anxious about nothing.
The word for “anxious” doesn’t mean unconcerned; it means not being overwhelmed by life. Take your difficulties to God in prayer.
Paul expected that thanksgiving would play a major role in prayer. Thanksgiving has its own healing powers.
When I take the largest or smallest items (everything is small to God) to the Lord, I find that they become manageable as I release them to God and ask for His direction and guidance.
Third, fill your mind with the pure and the pleasant. Look on things that are honorable and excellent.
What you fill your mind with is what you become. If you think of the coarse and immoral, that is who and what you will be.
If you consider the true, the pure, and the just, your life will reflect those attitudes. Looking for and thinking about the highest and best will allow your mind to soar to the heights and your feelings to follow them there.
God’s Word always has answers for the human dilemma. We simply have to think on those things found in Holy Scripture.
3 Responses
Bro Bailey,
It’s Dennis, and I want you and the dedicated staff to know how much you are appreciated and loved by Janice and I. Your message last night was very warm, and welcoming over the air. Bro Josh speaks with such care and compassion, you are a great pair. I find myself, like others, excited our next public gathering.
Thank you so much for this post, it, along with your other posts this week and last, have truly been a blessing. Thank you again and God bless you and your family.
Waylon: Last evening was the first opportunity I’ve had to attend a Wednesday night bible study and I attended while driving home from work in Baton Rouge! My truck is equipped with Apple car play which allows anything on my I phone to be played over my car sound system. Even in these trying time this is just another opportunity for the word to be proclaimed to even a wider audience. BTW the sound and video quality was outstanding so I want to compliment our wonderful audio and visual technical staff for giving me and others this opportunity. What a powerful and timely lesson from the Word. One message I took away is that Prayer is the antidote to anxiety. Thank you and the staff again for this opportunity.