I am thankful to hear so many people ask, “What can I do to make a difference?“
Make a difference by praying.
Pray at 7:14 AM or 7:14 PM or both times that God would heal our land. This time and this request both come from 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
I cannot imagine a more appropriate prayer then that of 2 Chronicles 7:14. I would encourage you to read the entire chapter and see how Solomon prayed and how God answered.
Sunday night (April 5) at 7 PM you can join a region wide prayer time which crosses denominational lines to pray for God to heal our land. This will be a virtual prayer time with our governor and parish presidents and a number of church leaders and pastors. I will be a part of that prayer time.
You can join the prayer time in three ways.
Watch on WLAE
Watch at PrayNOLA.Com
Watch on Facebook
Pray for individuals. People are hurting and frayed. They want to be prayed for. You will bless them as you pray with them and for them.
Pray for your neighborhood. Soon we will be giving you some suggestions of how you can pray for your neighbors as you are walking through the neighborhood.
Pray for your ONE. Several people have told me that they have reengaged with their ONE. Continue to pray that God will draw them to Himself and that they would respond to His call.
You can make a difference.
2 Responses
I believe 2 Chronicles 7:14 is widely misapplied in times like this. The verse and chapter deal exclusively with the Abrahamic Covenant and specific people called by name. Perhaps James 5:10-11 is more applicable that fits with God’s Divine Decree and providence.
Yeah, you omitted “and turn from their wicked ways”.