Paul told both the Ephesian Christians and the Colossian believers to make the most of every opportunity. We need to heed his advice and admonition as well.
Most of us find ourselves under a “stay at home” order. Our children are out of school and if we have a job we are working from home. How can we make the most of this opportunity?
This may be the kind of opportunity that allows us to have a historic reset. Yesterday our Children’s minister told me that many parents are actually enjoying this time. They have slowed down and are now spending meaningful quality time with their children.
First, look for opportunities for real conversation with your spouse and with your children. Moses counseled us to talk with our children in all the experiences of life. This unparalleled time allows us to talk about life and sickness. It lets us tell our children who we are and what matters to us. It may be the best time that you have ever had with your children.
Second, let this be a time of genuine Christian growth. In addition to your prayer time, spend time reading Scripture. Do you know that if you simply read a chapter a day you can read the entire New Testament by Christmas? Why not challenge your children to join you in reading? Even better, why not read it to them?
Read Christian classics. Basic Christianity by John Stott would be very meaningful.
Third, reset your lifestyle. Do you need to eat better or exercise more? Now that you have nothing to watch on TV, you can spend some good time getting exercise. My neighborhood has blossomed with whole families walking or riding bikes.
We all need a challenge and a goal. Use this time to do something meaningful with your time.
One Response
What a awesome opportunity we have!
The ability( maybe forced somewhat) to spend QUALITY time with those that matter most ( Christ and family).
Romans 8:28 comes to mind.