Starting this week you will receive a new communication from FBC Covington. It’s called (at least for the time being) Follow FBC Covington. It’s purpose is to keep you up to date with things you need to know.
So, what things do you need to know? The kind of things where you say, “I hadn’t heard that.” You know how that is. Other people know, but you don’t know.
These are things such as births, new members, deaths and grief in the church family, and other areas we deem important to you.
These are the kinds of things which have not been communicated over the past seven weeks. We have catching up to do. This first communication won’t give you everything you’ve missed. We’ll take three or four weeks to do that.
It will also be a place where you can download or print out the sermon notes for this week and read the Lagniappe. You will find all of this at
Your life and circumstances have changed and we are trying to meet those changes and anticipate others.
Please open this mail each week and take a short (or long) look at what has happened in the church family. Please also pray for the pastors and staff of FBC Covington as we try to meet new needs in a new day.
2 Responses
There were many good things that happened to me while I lived in LA. At the top of the list would be FBC. It makes me happy to stay involved vicariously through this newsletter. Thanks for sharing FBC with me across the many miles.
I think this is a grand idea.
I realize that it will take a while to “Catch Up” on all that has gone on during this shut-in time. I do want to mention that I saw Audrey Oalman’s obituary in the newspaper a couple of weeks ago. She was a sweet lady and a good friend to those in her circle.